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lundi, novembre 25, 2024
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Single sky reform: Council and Parliament strike a deal to improve efficiency of air space management in the EU

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The European Commission launched the Single European Sky (SES) initiative in 1999 to improve the performance of air traffic management and air navigation services through better integration of European airspace. Now, the European Council presidency and the European Parliament’s negotiators reached a provisional agreement on the reform of the Single European Sky.

The aim of the reform is to improve the performance, organisation and management of European airspace and the provision of the air navigation services to increase capacity, lower costs and increase the system’s adaptability, while also trying to reduce aviation’s impact on environment and climate.

« I am delighted with this result, concluded under our presidency, which will enable major progress to be made in reducing CO² emissions from the aviation sector, and will also give member states more tools to limit the nuisance generated by aeronautical activity. Although much remains to be done to help the sector achieve carbon neutrality, and we will continue to work towards this, the efforts made by all parties to bring this new legal framework for Europe’s skies to a successful conclusion are to be applauded. » -Georges Gilkinet, Belgian minister for mobility said

The provisional agreement retains the key objectives of the Single European Sky: the reform must respond to capacity needs, and help cut climate and environmental footprint, while being cost-effective. It should also contribute to the regulation of drones.

The new rules open the way to improving the climate and environmental performance of airspace management, notably through the extension of binding targets for terminal services in the environmental and climate area and the modulation of charges to incentivise the improvement of environmental performance by airspace users. An independent, permanent and professional Performance Review Board is set up, to advise the Commission on the implementation of the Performance and Charging Schemes.

A national supervisory authority is designated by the member state to assess compliance of air navigation service providers with economic requirements, such as financial sustainability and organisational structure, in cooperation with the national competent authority in charge of the certification of air navigation service providers.

The air navigation service providers and the national supervisory authority can be part of the same organisation provided they are functionally separated and meet independence requirements.

It will also be possible for member states to merge economic and safety oversight functions in the same administrative entity. This solution cuts red tape and adapts to existing organisational models.

Member states may decide to authorise the opening of certain air navigation services to market conditions.

On the Council’s side, the Belgian presidency intends to submit the text to the member states’ representatives (Coreper) for endorsement as soon as possible. Once approved, the draft legislative acts will be submitted to a legal/linguistic review before being formally adopted by the co-legislators, published in the EU’s official journal, and entering into force 20 days after their publication.

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