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EU Plans Peace Conference Including Russia in Autumn: Bloomberg

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The European Union is contemplating the next steps towards involving Russia in a peace conference to be held in Saudi Arabia this autumn, following the Peace Summit scheduled in Switzerland next month, according to sources cited by Bloomberg.

The EU foreign ministers are set to discuss the progression from the Peace Summit, scheduled for 15-16 June in Switzerland, to a potential meeting in Saudi Arabia that would include Russia, a notable absentee from the initial summit. This information comes from unnamed officials familiar with the matter.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has been actively encouraging international leaders to attend, though Russia is working to deter key countries from participating.

Brazil and India are reportedly considering sending lower-level officials to the summit, while China is expected to be represented by a senior government official.

China and Brazil have also proposed the idea of an alternative meeting, potentially complicating the EU’s efforts to maintain a cohesive international approach to peace negotiations.

In a meeting with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in May, President Zelensky emphasised the importance of US President Joe Biden’s attendance at the Peace Summit. However, media reports suggest that Biden is likely to miss the summit due to a fundraising event for his re-election campaign in California.

EU Strategy

The EU’s strategy appears focused on securing a comprehensive dialogue that includes all major stakeholders, including Russia, which has been excluded from the initial summit. The goal is to facilitate a transition from the upcoming summit to the autumn conference in Saudi Arabia, where broader participation might pave the way for more substantive negotiations.

The EU faces significant diplomatic challenges in orchestrating these events. The divergence in participation levels from countries like Brazil, India, and China, alongside Russia’s efforts to influence attendance, complicates the landscape.

The success of the autumn conference will depend on the EU’s ability to manage these complexities and bring together a diverse array of international actors.

Moreover, the potential absence of President Biden from the Peace Summit in Switzerland could impact the perceived legitimacy and influence of the event.

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