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mercredi, octobre 16, 2024
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Corruption Remains a Serious Concern for Citizens and Businesses in the EU

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The EU says “systematic concerns” remain about corruption and the rule of law in certain countries.

It goes on to warn that the situation has “further deteriorated.”

The concerns are addressed in the recommendations of this year’s “Rule of Law Report”.

The report covers four areas: national justice systems, anti-corruption frameworks, media freedom and pluralism as well as other institutional checks-and balances.

It was presented by European Commission Vice-President Věra Jourová and Commissioner Didier Reynders.

It voices concern about:

·       corruption which remains a serious concern for citizens and businesses in the EU

·        independent governance or financial stability of public service media broadcasters, transparency of media ownership

·       the need for safeguards in judicial appointment procedures

The EU Commission’s fifth annual rule of law report examines systematically and objectively rule of law developments in all Member States “on an equal basis.”

In comparison to the first issue of the Rule of Law Report adopted in 2020, Member States and the EU as a whole are “much better prepared to detect, prevent and address emerging challenges,” it says.

The Commission says, “This contributes to the resilience of our European democracies and to mutual trust in the EU.

“It also contributes to a good functioning of the single market and benefits a business environment that fosters competitiveness and sustainable growth.”

The report also includes an assessment of last year’s recommendations and, on that basis, provides, once more, specific recommendations addressed to all Member States.

The Commission states that since its first publication in 2020, the report has become a “true driver of positive reforms.”

Two thirds (68%) of the recommendations issued in 2023 have been, fully or partially, addressed.

However, concerns remain about the situation in some Member States where things have “further deteriorated.”

This year’s report includes, for the first time, 4 country chapters.

These cover developments in Albania, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia.

The Commission says that including these enlargement countries in the Rule of Law Report, the most advanced in the process, will “support their reform efforts, help authorities to make further progress in the accession process and to prepare for the continuation of work on the rule of law as a future Member State.”

More than 7 in 10 EU citizens agree that the EU plays an important role in helping to uphold the rule of law in their country, according to a special Eurobarometer survey published at the same time.

Close to 9 in 10 EU citizens consider it important that all EU Member States respect the core values of the EU, an opinion stable since 2019.

The feeling of being informed about the EU’s fundamental values has improved significantly in many countries: overall, 51% EU citizens feel well informed about the EU’s fundamental values and rule of law, compared to 43% in 2019.

The 2024 report, as every year, includes a communication examining the situation in the EU as a whole and 27 country chapters

The Commission has now asked the European Parliament and Council to continue general and country-specific debates on the basis of its report, using the recommendations to “further examine how concrete progress can be made.”

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