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mercredi, octobre 16, 2024
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Chinese Parts Used in Russian Drone Strike on Sumy

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New evidence reveals that China is an accessory to Russian War Crimes in Ukraine and complicit in the murder of innocent civilians.

On September 28, Russian drones launched a devastating attack on the peaceful Ukrainian city of Sumy, targeting a hospital and residential infrastructure. Because of this brutal assault, over 10 people have already died, and many others were injured. The Russian tactic of double strikes, which targets areas after rescue services arrive to maximise casualties, has once again revealed its inhumane nature.

Following the first strike, rescuers arrived to evacuate and assist the victims. During this time, Russian forces conducted a second attack, further increasing the death toll and exacerbating destruction. This strategy aims to maximise chaos and civilian casualties, representing a gross violation of international humanitarian law. International conventions prohibit attacks on hospitals and civilian infrastructure, yet Russia continues to ignore these rules.

It is crucial not only to condemn Russia’s actions but also to highlight China’s role in this bloodshed. China actively supplies Russia with dual-use goods, such as engines and parts for drones that are then used to attack Ukrainian cities. For instance, engines manufactured by Chinese companies have been found in Russian drones, including the “Geran-3” and “Italmas,” which are regularly deployed against civilian infrastructure.

Chinese companies like MILE HAO XIANG TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD and CHIP SPACE ELECTRONICS CO. LTD provide engines and components for Russian drones despite Western sanctions. China continues to deliver critically important technologies to Russia, directly contributing to the rising number of civilian casualties in Ukraine. This undermines international efforts to deter aggression and violates global sanctions regimes.

The world cannot idly stand by when such barbaric attacks occur on peaceful cities. The international community must intensify sanctions against both Russia and China to curb the supply of dual-use goods employed in attacks on civilian infrastructure. Western countries should increase military and financial aid to Ukraine to protect its civilian population and prevent further tragedies.

The events in Sumy are just one of many pieces of evidence that Russia and its allies continue to act in violation of international norms and laws, threatening not only Ukraine but also the wider world. This attack serves as a wake-up call for Europe and other nations at risk from potential Russian aggression. The Kremlin has long displayed its imperial ambitions, seeking to regain control over the post-Soviet space and expand its influence beyond it. Today’s strikes on Ukrainian cities could become tomorrow’s attacks on European cities. NATO and EU countries cannot afford to remain passive, as Russian aggression challenges the entire architecture of international security and stability.

Russia’s impunity and ongoing violations of international law show that the silence or indecision of the global community only emboldens the Kremlin to commit new crimes and acts of aggression. If Russia is not stopped now, its aggression may extend beyond Ukraine, posing a direct threat to the security of European states. An immediate and decisive response from the international community is not just a way to protect Ukraine but also an opportunity to prevent further destabilisation in Europe and beyond.

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