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Operation ASPIDES – clear and fast response by the European Union

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EU High Commissioner Josep Borrel on a press conference said that the Operation ASPIDES operation was a clear and fast response by the European Union to the deteriorating situation in the Red Sea and in the Gulf of Aden that was having a negative impact on our commercial shipping and regional stability. (Aspides means” shield” in the ancient Greek language)

« The Houthis have done a big demmage attacking with drones and missiles commercial ships, violating international law and freedom of navigation. They threaten maritime security, they jeopardise international trade and put regional peace and security at stake. They create significant damage and cost people’s lives. They affect negatively the environmental security, and the regional economies.” – Mr Borrell said.  

According tot he High Commissioner even the population in Yemen are paying the consequences, because they are further deprived from life-saving assistance. It increases the costs of food upon the economies in the region, which were already affected by the consequences of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine.  

« The cost of a container from China to Europe has doubled – it costs twice. And the insurance shipping costs have increased by 60%. Before the crisis, 13% of the world trade transited through the Red Sea. Annually, 13% of the traffic was passing by these waters. Today, only half of the 70 ships that were passing daily, still use the Suez Canal. So, it was necessary to intervene, and I am very proud that we were able to launch Operation ASPIDES only one month after the first discussions took place among Member States. » -High Commissioner stated. 

According tot he High Commissioner the operation is fulfilling a three-fold mandate as this mission has to protect ships under attack, to accompany vessels, and to reinforce maritime situational awareness.  

Rear Admiral Gryparis will gave more operational details. He said that in less than two months since the operation was launched, the operation has escorted more than 68 vessels and has repelled 11 attacks. So, it is a mission that has a certain, an important level of engagement and risk.  

« But Operation ASPIDES has a defensive mandate: we are not engaged in any operation against the Houthis on land. Our vessels operate in self-defence and to protect targeted ships. It has to be clearly stated, because transparency and openness to regional actors has been our priority since we started preparing this Operation”– Rear Admiral said. 

Our mission is actively interacting with other partners engaged in re-establishing safety and security in the region.   We cooperate closely with the French-led Operation AGENOR. We have regular talks with the US-led Operation Prosperity Guardian.- he added. 

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