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EU’ satement on the occasion of the 30th commemoration of the Genocide Against the Tutsi

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At 7 April 2024 which marks the 30th commemoration of the genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda the European Cmommission gave out a statement.

In the statement we can read:

« On this solemn, tragic occasion, the European Union joins the Rwandan nation and its people in the remembrance of the over 1 million men, women and children who were murdered in a campaign of deliberate atrocities. The EU expresses its solidarity with the families and friends of the victims whose loss endures today. 

The EU honours the survivors and their families, whose daily bravery and resilience in face of this horror, continues to inspire the world. What the people of Rwanda have achieved over three decades in their national journey towards unity, reconciliation, justice, and the preservation of the memory of the Genocide against the Tutsi, is a lesson to the rest of the world.

The transformation of Rwanda ever since in terms of governance, economic recovery, social cohesion and development is a remarkable achievement. The EU will continue to stand by the people of Rwanda and its transformation journey. 

The EU reiterates its unwavering commitment to the prevention of genocide and any crime against humanity across the world and to ensure full accountability. The EU stresses the importance of a united and sustained effort by the international community to learn the painful lessons of the past, and do the utmost to thwart the repetition of any such abomination, including by rejecting and fighting against xenophobia, as well as any forms of discrimination and hate speech targeting persons belonging to national, ethnic, racial or religious groups.

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