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European Parliament: 5 Stars Joins the Left Group

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The Left Group in the European Parliament has decided to welcome Movimento 5 Stelle to its ranks.

The Left and M5S say they have agreed to join forces with what they call “a reciprocal observer status.”

A statement confirming the move said, “We are confident that we will cooperate in a constructive and productive way to confirm convergence between The Left and M5S, to work together for the people and the planet.”

Commenting on the move, Manon Aubry, co-leader of The Left group, said: “We are delighted to welcome the 5 Star Movement to our group.”

“This decision was made in agreement with our Italian friends in Sinistra Italiana, and we ensured that M5S aligned with our political stance.

“The Left is the group that represents antifascism, fights for workers’ rights, pursues ambitious climate action, and opposes austerity.

“We reaffirm this commitment and are pleased to do so with an even larger group. We are the primary opposition to the Von Der Leyen coalition and serve as a bulwark against the extreme right and their racist and sexist ideas.”

Further comment comes from Pasquale Tridico, head of the M5S delegation in the European Parliament.

Tridico said, “We express our gratitude to The Left group and all its members for engaging in a productive dialogue during the Bureau meeting and for the warm welcome.”

“Over the next five years, we are committed to collaborating with our new colleagues to advocate for a more socially conscious Europe, opposing poverty and austerity policies.”

“Additionally, we will actively pursue a diplomatic solution in all the war zones, recognising the urgent need for peace across Europe and the world.”

Meanwhile, Aubry (La France Insoumise) and Martin Schirdewan (DIE LINKE) have been re-confirmed as joint leaders of The Left.

In the second half of the legislative term, Kostas Arvanitis (Syriza) will share the co-chair position with Aubry.

On this, Aubry said, “As the antifascist group in the European Parliament, we will proudly carry the voice of resistance against the far right to this institution. The reactionary, xenophobic and authoritarian poison is growing in Europe.”

“The Left, as the voice of the streets and of working people in the Parliament tirelessly fighting to defend their interests, is the antidote.”

“As  the group with the highest ethical standards, every Left MEP will sign up to the strictest integrity and transparency provisions to, as Aubry concluded, “ensure that ethics prevails over money.”

Also commenting on the move, Schirdewan said: “We will not be part of the new “Ursula coalition”. On the contrary, we will take a strong stance for workers’ rights, for peace, against poverty, for tenants’ rights, in support of the social-ecological transition, and will remain committed to the Green Deal.” 

“Europe needs a Commission President that rejects neoliberal policies and takes action to defend working people and their livelihoods,” he said.

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