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samedi, février 8, 2025
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5th « EU India Leaders” summit at European Parliament

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Europe India Centre of Business and Industry, which is managed by Sivaleen Foundation for Developed India, has carried out extensive work over the past few years in promoting trade and relations between India and European Union as well as between India and the UK. Europe India Centre of Business and Industry and its associate organisations have organised 25 Major summits at British Parliament in London, 4 Major summits at European Parliament in Brussels over the past few years in promoting trade and relations between India and European Union as well as between India and the UK. 

These summits and activities have provided a first-hand understanding of the Indian markets and business opportunities in India for the UK/ EU companies whereas the visiting delegations from India have been able to understand the market in the UK/ EU and the opportunities available in these regions.

« EU India Leaders Conference 2024” was taken place in the premises of the European Parliament with the participation of MEPs from different European political party groups. The event was focusing on Automobile sector & Medical equipment/ Healthcare sector in the EU India corridor.

« The EU India Leaders Conference 2024 signifies a significant step forward in our steadfast commitment to nurturing sustainable growth and development within the EU and India. This event, our 5th major conference hosted at the European Parliament in Brussels and our 30th major activity across Europe, brought together key stakeholders from the automobile and healthcare sectors alongside policymakers, with the goal of enhancing collaboration within the EU India corridor. Strengthening trade relations between our regions is paramount for driving economic growth and fostering sustainable development. With over 13 years of active engagement, EICBI remains unwavering in our dedication to forging a more robust and prosperous partnership between India and the EU. » – said Sujit S Nair, Chairman of EICBI.

« The India-EU bilateral relationship is poised at an important inflection point, with growing momentum in economic ties and converging geopolitical views. If you look at the opportunities of the future, whether it’s the immense potential of Artificial Intelligence or the dire need to complete the Energy transition, increased collaboration between Europe and India’s businesses, government structures, and societies, can create huge synergies that will be beneficial for both regions and the world at large”. – said an other panelist, Mr Abhinav Kumar – Global Chief Marketing & Communications Officer

« India definitely has huge potential in the global automotive world. This is especially true for the suppliers who are exporting more and more. That is why a Free Trade Agreement between India and the EU would be a win-win for the Industry on both sides. VDA is happy to support the Automotive cooperation with India!” – Angela Mans from VDA said.

The participants of the conference also talked about the Free Trade Agreement between the EU and India by bringing different trade sectors together on one platform and discussing issues directly so that the trade sectors can resolve issues more directly.

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