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Azerbaijan and World Climate Foundation plan COP29 arrangements

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According to Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Economy, the discussions took place during a meeting between Deputy Minister Samad Bashirli and WCF CEO Jens Nielsen.

The meeting emphasized that hosting COP29 in Azerbaijan underscores the country’s commitment to addressing climate issues and promoting ‘green growth’.

The event pointed out the key role of effective cooperation with international organizations, including the WCF, presented data on the development of the country’s energy sector in alignment with global climate change goals, and spotlighted the implementation of initiatives aimed at advancing a green economy and mitigating the impacts of global climate change.

The parties exchanged views on the organization of COP29 events and the partnership with the WCF.

To note, this November, Azerbaijan will host COP29. This decision was made at the COP28 plenary meeting held in Dubai on December 11 last year. Baku will become the center of the world and will receive about 70–80,000 foreign guests.

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is an agreement signed at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in June 1992 to prevent dangerous human interference with the climate system. The COP—the Conference of the Parties—is the highest legislative body overseeing the implementation of the Framework Convention on Climate Change. There are 198 countries that are parties to the Convention. Unless the parties agree otherwise, the COP is held annually. The first COP event took place in March 1995 in Germany’s Berlin, with its secretariat in Bonn.

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