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European Parliament

European Parliament: 5 Stars Joins the Left Group

The Left Group in the European Parliament has decided to welcome Movimento 5 Stelle to its ranks. The Left and M5S say they have agreed to join forces with what they call “a reciprocal...

‘Equality over discrimination: history must never repeat itself’ – President Metsola

The European Parliament marked European Roma Holocaust Memorial Day and honours the Sinti and Roma murdered in Nazi-occupied Europe. The European Parliament joins the international community in marking European Roma Holocaust Memorial Day and...

Von der Leyen Confirmation and First Plenary Set Stage for Agriculture in New EU Term

In the climax of the European Parliament’s first plenary session of the new mandate, Ursula von der Leyen was re-elected for a second term as European Commission President on 18th July. Receiving the...

Next European Parliament more pro-Israel?

For Israel, the most important question is who will succeed Josep Borrell as EU’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. Since the military offensive in Gaza against Hamas following the massacre committed by Hamas in...

“Parliament 2024”: The European Parliament is looking for a more modern and efficient House after the elections

This week MEPs approved (with 429 votes in favour, 148 against, and 47 abstentions) the report implementing the recommendations by the Parliamentary reform group “Parliament 2024”, as endorsed by the Conference of Presidents (EP President Metsola and...

Historic agreement reached today by the European Parliament and Council on the Pact on Migration and Asylum

After three years of negotiations, the European Parliament and Council have reached a political agreement on the Pact on Migration and Asylum. Today’s agreement is a major breakthrough towards a common system for managing migration in the EU.

His Majesty King Philip of Belgium addresses the European Parliament: ‘Europe and the world need hope’

His Majesty the King visited the European Parliament at the invitation of President Roberta Metsola. He addressed the Members of the European Parliament during the formal sitting. His visit is part of the Belgian Presidency of the...

European Parliament calls on Israel to open all crossings to Gaza for humanitarian aid

MEPs are deeply concerned about the catastrophic humanitarian situation in Gaza, including the risk of imminent starvation. In a resolution MEPs call on Israel to immediately allow and facilitate full aid delivery into and throughout Gaza via...

5th « EU India Leaders” summit at European Parliament

Europe India Centre of Business and Industry, which is managed by Sivaleen Foundation for Developed India, has carried out extensive work over the past few years in promoting trade and relations between India and European Union as...

European Parliament calls on Member States to spend 0.25% of their GDP on military aid to Ukraine

On the plenary in Strabourg MEPs endorsed the proposal that all EU Member States and NATO allies should provide military support to Ukraine amounting to at least 0.25% of their annual GDP. In the...
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Green Marine Europe – Le programme environnemental gagne en impact

Green Marine Europe (GME), un programme de certification environnementale dédié à l’industrie maritime, a dévoilé Mardi 15...
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La Grande-Bretagne accueille le plus grand nombre de migrants illégaux en Europe, selon une étude

La Grande-Bretagne abrite plus de migrants illégaux que tout autre pays européen, selon une étude récente menée par des chercheurs de l’Université...

OTAN : Visite du secrétaire général dau SHAPE et au nouveau commandement OTAN établi en Allemagne

Le secrétaire général de l’OTAN, Mark Rutte, a rencontré lundi 14 octobre le commandant suprême des forces alliées en Europe (SACEUR), le...

La stratégie allemande en matière d’hydrogène est confrontée à des défis de plus en plus importants

L’ambitieuse stratégie de l’Allemagne en matière d’hydrogène est confrontée à des défis de plus en plus importants, alors que les principaux partenariats...

Ce pays interdit désormais les migrants

La Pologne cherche à empêcher les migrants de demander l'asile dans le pays. Le Premier ministre polonais, Donald Tusk,...