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European Council

Ukrainians Not Ready to Countenance Territorial Trade-Offs for NATO Accession

Ukrainians are not ready to countenance territorial trade-offs for NATO accession, as a major new multi-country polling report released today confirms. It says there is still sustained public support for the delivery of weapons...

EU foreign ministers: « transatlantic unity remains essential »

On the Foreign Affairs Council meeting ( 18 March 2024) foreign ministers of the EU member countries held an informal exchange of views with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, via videoconference, with a focus on the Russian...

Medical devices: Council endorses new measures to help prevent shortages

The Council has endorsed key updates to the law on medical devices that will help prevent shortages and ease the transition to greater transparency and access to information. The best way to prevent shortages of key medical devices...

Climate action: Council and Parliament agree to establish an EU carbon removals certification framework

While the EU’s priority with regard to climate action is the rapid reduction of GHG emissions, in order to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, it will also need to compensate for residual hard-to-abate emissions by scaling up...

Council and Parliament strike deal on reform of fiscal rules

Economic governance is a key pillar of the architecture of the Economic and Monetary Union, since 1992, aiming to prevent and correct macroeconomic imbalances that could weaken national economies and affect other EU countries through cross-border spill...

Conclusions du Conseil européen sur l’Ukraine

Le Conseil européen condamne à nouveau résolument la guerre d'agression menée par la Russie contre l'Ukraine, qui constitue une violation manifeste de la charte des Nations unies, et il rappelle le soutien inébranlable de l'Union européenne à...

Charles Michel: « We must stick to the target of 1.5 degrees »

Charles Michel, president of the European Council gave a speech at the UN climate change conference (COP28) in Dubai where he pointed out, taht „ we must stick tot he target of 1.5 degrees.

The European Council and the European Parliament reach agreement to strengthen critical raw materials supply

The Critical Raw Materials Act, together with the Net Zero Industry Act and the reform of the electricity market design, is one of the flagship legislative initiatives of the Commission's Green Deal Industrial Agenda presented on 1...
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Sir Alex Ellis appointed as british ambassador to madrid

Sir Alex Ellis arrived in Madrid today, where he takes over from Hugh Elliott in the...
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La Première ministre italienne et le président Zelensky discutent de l’aide et de la reconstruction de l’Ukraine

La Première ministre italienne Giorgia Meloni et le président ukrainien Volodymyr Zelensky se sont rencontrés samedi en marge d'un forum économique en...

France: des milliers de manifestants de gauche défilent contre Macron

Des milliers d'électeurs de gauche ont manifesté samedi en France contre "le coup de force" du président Emmanuel Macron, qui a finalement...

NATO : Les Alliés et les partenaires de l’Indo-Pacifique s’entretiennent de la coopération en matière de cybersécurité

Le cyber fait partie intégrante de la guerre moderne, les cyberattaques contre des infrastructures critiques, des institutions publiques, des organisations internationales ou...

La Commission approuve la réintroduction du régime de liquidation des coopératives de crédit polonaises

La Commission européenne a autorisé, en vertu des règles de l'UE en matière d'aides d'État, la réintroduction d'un régime de liquidation des...