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mercredi, octobre 16, 2024
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European Union

Washington and Brussels Close to Agreement on Utilising Russian Assets for Ukraine Aid

The United States and the European Union are reportedly close to finalising an agreement on the specific terms for providing $50 billion in financial assistance to Ukraine, leveraging profits from Russia’s frozen assets.

Comment les citoyens de l’UE contribuent à façonner les lois et les politiques de l’UE

Plus tôt cette année, les Européens ont été appelés à voter et à élire leurs représentants au Parlement européen. C’est la démocratie en action, mais ce n’est pas le seul moyen pour les citoyens de l’UE de...

Corruption Remains a Serious Concern for Citizens and Businesses in the EU

The EU says “systematic concerns” remain about corruption and the rule of law in certain countries. It goes on to warn that the situation has “further deteriorated.” The concerns are...

European Union and Jordan confirm ever stronger partnership at their 15th Association Council

The European Union and Jordan held the fifteenth meeting of their Association Council on 15 July 2024 in Brussels, in which they reviewed their increasingly dynamic and multifaceted partnership.  In the meeting, held in...

European Union Accession Talks With Ukraine & Moldova to Commence on June 25th

European Union Accession Talks With Ukraine & Moldova to Commence on June 25th

Alona Lebedieva: China Could Compel Russia to End the War Against Ukraine

Chinese President Xi Jinping visited France on a state visit. This marks his first official trip to Europe since 2019. Following France, he visited Serbia and Hungary, writes Alona Lebedieva. During the negotiations in...

European Union approves ratification of High Seas Treaty

The High Seas Alliance strongly welcomed the European Parliament’s vote in favour of the European Union (EU) ratification of the High Seas Treaty the 24 april 2024. Formally known as the United Nations Agreement on the...

Operation ASPIDES – clear and fast response by the European Union

EU High Commissioner Josep Borrel on a press conference said that the Operation ASPIDES operation was a clear and fast response by the European Union to the deteriorating situation in the Red Sea and in the Gulf...

The European Union sees fusion energy as the solution

The European Union is increasingly turning to fusion energy as a cheap, virtually infinite and clean source of energy for the continent, which could help the federation become self-sufficient. Now, within the European Commission, there is a...

The European Union and the United States release joint guidance for online platforms on protecting Human Rights Defenders

Human rights defenders – as per the United Nations (UN) Declaration – play a crucial role in the protection of human rights offline and online. HRDs may include, but are not limited to, members of nongovernmental organisations, trade unionists,...
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Latest News

Green Marine Europe – Le programme environnemental gagne en impact

Green Marine Europe (GME), un programme de certification environnementale dédié à l’industrie maritime, a dévoilé Mardi 15...
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La Grande-Bretagne accueille le plus grand nombre de migrants illégaux en Europe, selon une étude

La Grande-Bretagne abrite plus de migrants illégaux que tout autre pays européen, selon une étude récente menée par des chercheurs de l’Université...

OTAN : Visite du secrétaire général dau SHAPE et au nouveau commandement OTAN établi en Allemagne

Le secrétaire général de l’OTAN, Mark Rutte, a rencontré lundi 14 octobre le commandant suprême des forces alliées en Europe (SACEUR), le...

La stratégie allemande en matière d’hydrogène est confrontée à des défis de plus en plus importants

L’ambitieuse stratégie de l’Allemagne en matière d’hydrogène est confrontée à des défis de plus en plus importants, alors que les principaux partenariats...

Ce pays interdit désormais les migrants

La Pologne cherche à empêcher les migrants de demander l'asile dans le pays. Le Premier ministre polonais, Donald Tusk,...