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Le cercle de l’industrie de l’hydrogène Afrique-UE-Chine (Expert Discussion)

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Dans le contexte de l’adoption de l’hydrogène vert comme élément essentiel de
la course mondiale à la neutralité carbone, à l’industrialisation, à la création d’emplois et plus d’engagement en faveur du développement durable, Le « European Institute for Asian Studies » a organisé ce jeudi 26 octobre un événement sous forme d’une discussion d’experts pour mettre en évidence le potentiel important de l’Afrique en matière de production d’hydrogène vert.

L’activité a pour but également d’aider à établir des modèles de partenariat entre les acteurs publics et privés d’Afrique, de l’UE et de Chine.

La discussion a porté aussi sur les défis et les opportunités ainsi que les ressources et les finances nécessaires aux phases de planification et de mise en œuvre du Projets liés.

L’événement fait suite à l’annonce par l’Union européenne en mai 2022 de son objectif de produire 20 millions de tonnes d’hydrogène vert d’ici 2030 (dont la moitié importée).

La discussion précède la COP28 à Abu Dhabi où L’Afrique, l’UE et la Chine devront prendre des engagements supplémentaires en matière de changement climatique tout en poursuivant la lutte pour la prospérité commune et la réduction de la pauvreté.

Le débat s’est ouvert par un mot de bienvenu de Madame Hakima El Haite, ancienne ministre de l’Environnement du Maroc et conseiller de l’ONU pour le programme zéro déchet. (Ci-dessous l’intégralité de son discours)

« Ladies and gentlemen,

Just a few days away from COP28, We find ourselves far from the track to meet the goals set by the Paris Agreement. Much more is needed to combat global warming effectively.

To keep the goal of limiting global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius alive, we must decrease by 43% Co2 emissions within the next eight years.

these are the conclusions of the global stock take released few weeks ago

Now how can we achieved this difficult mission?

A study published in the scientific journal Nature, has shown that to have even a 50% chance of keeping global temperatures from rising 1.5 degrees Celsius, 90% of coal, 58% of oil and of fossil methane gas must remain unextracted and underground by 2050.

This is where hydrogen energy comes into play.

It’s why today I’m pleased that we are working together To make a crucial step towards achieving a green and fair transition and standing against energy poverty especially in Africa where still 600 persons have no access to electricity and where industrial developmenslowed by a lack of energy and infrastructure

Dear colleagues, I firmly believe that Hydrogen is an opportunity and it’s critical for three reasons.

Firstly, it is essential to avoid climate breakdown. By replacing oil, gas, and coal with renewable alternatives including H2, Europe can reach the carbon neutrality and Africa can power its development and meet the world’s need for clean fuels.

Secondly, embracing green hydrogen production and processing in Africa can create over 4 million jobs. The availability of green hydrogen is crucial for decarbonizing various sectors, from steel and petrochemical industries to mobility and agriculture. By transforming Africa into a leading hub for green hydrogen production, we can significantly elevate its role in global green manufacturing supply chains.

Now investing in Africa’s hydrogen projects requires a cumulative investment of 500 billion dollars by 2030 and $900 billion by 2050, this translates to approximately $52 billion annually until 2050
It’s seems maybe a lot but let me
put it into perspective: the world spent $1 trillion on fossil fuel subsidies in 2022 alone, according to the International Energy Agency.

Needless to say that
Mobilizing this capital requires a massive effort from public and private finance institutions. We need to think outside the box and come up with innovative financing solutions.

Africa also needs access to low-cost capital to fully industrialize and uplift its people from poverty. Currently, the cost of capital can be up to five times higher than in OECD countries due to perceived investment risk. To unlock public and private investment in Africa’s green hydrogen sector, we must create the right and appropriate investment conditions

I Hope that green h2 will be in the top priority of the CAA of cop28 and that the stakeholders will announce firm financing decisions by COP28 in Dubai.

Africa should not only remain the exporter of raw material but a global powerhouse of the future to meet the African needs but also to support Europe to reach global neutrality

Let’s advocate to make hydrogen energy a reality in Africa, contributing to a sustainable and equitable world. Thank you. »

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