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International Humanitarian Conference for Sudan and its Neighbours in Paris

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High Representative/Vice President Josep Borrell and Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenarčič  travel to Paris on Monday 15 April to participate in the ‘International Humanitarian Conference for Sudan and its Neighbours’, co-organised by the European Union, France and Germany. The event marks one year since the outbreak of the conflict, which has generated the largest displacement crisis worldwide.

The EU wants to see a stable, peaceful and prosperous Sudan. To achieve this EU implements five political approaches. 

First, the EU meets with the Sudanese government, political actors, women and youth groups, as well as civil society for dialogue. The dialogue is focused on issues of joint interest, such as peace and stability, inclusive and sustainable development and prosperity, democratization and respect for human rights. The informal dialogue allows both the EU and Sudan to address common issues of interest, including global challenges such as climate change and regional issues such as migration and cooperation in the Nile Basin. 

Second, the EU encourages Sudan’s constructive engagement with its neighbours and supports regional integration and transboundary cooperation. The EU wants to see Sudan active in the area of North, Central and Horn of Africa through positive diplomatic relations and constructive cooperation through the regional organizations like the African Union (AU), Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), League of Arab States (LAS) and other institutions. The EU supports those organizations and supports its member states to play a peaceful and stabilizing role. 

Fourth, the European Union plays an important role in building bridges between Sudan and Europe. EU bodies like EU Parliament (EP), European Commission (EC), European External Action Service (EEAS), and European Union Member States work together, hand in hand, in full cooperation and coordination to this end through a steady flow of high level and technical visits and through a wide range of programs in Sudan. 

Fifth, the EU addresses issues of peace, democracy, human rights, sustainable development and humanitarian assistance also in regional and international fora. The EU continues to support the Sudanese government in the international forums and organizations and platforms to receive political and financial support.

The EU will continue to do that as long as the government in Sudan is working for peace, freedom and justice. 

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