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dimanche, novembre 24, 2024
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President von der Leyen reaffirms EU’s strong support for Lebanon and its people and announces a €1 billion package of EU funding

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During her visit to Beirut, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, accompanied by the President of the Republic of Cyprus, Nikos Christodoulides, discussed the significant domestic and regional challenges faced by Lebanon, and how best the EU could support the country and its people.

She announced that the EU will provide a financial assistance package for Lebanon worth €1 billion for 2024 to 2027.

This continued EU support will strengthen basic services such as education, social protection and health for the people in Lebanon. It will accompany urgent economic, financial and banking reforms. Furthermore, support will be provided to the Lebanese Armed Forces and other security forces with equipment and training for border management and to fight against smuggling.

President von der Leyen said: “My visit is a strong testimony of the EU’s continued support to Lebanon and its people. This was also the clear message of European leaders at our last summit, and are committed to provide strong financial support to the country in view of the significant challenges it faces. The €1 billion until 2027 will provide much needed assistance to the people in Lebanon and contribute to its security and stability.”

The visit of President von der Leyen to Lebanon follows the special meeting of the European Council on 17-18 April, where the Council confirmed the EU’s determination to support the most vulnerable people in Lebanon, including refugees, internally displaced persons and host communities, as well as strengthening support to Lebanese Armed Forces, combating human trafficking and smuggling. The European Council also reaffirmed the need to achieve conditions for safe, voluntary, and dignified returns of Syrian refugees, as defined by UNHCR.

The EU’s support will focus on:

  • support to basic services such as education, health, social protection and water to the most vulnerable people in Lebanon, including refugees, internally displaced persons, and host communities
  • assisting urgent domestic reforms, in particular those requested by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), including in the banking sector, contributing to improved economic situation and business environment
  • support for border and migration management, including combating human trafficking and smuggling, strengthened support to the Lebanese Armed Forces.
  • Since 2011, the EU support to Lebanon amounts to more than €3 billion, including €2.6 billion to support Syrian refugees as well as host communities in Lebanon.  

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