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jeudi, novembre 21, 2024
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The EU’s InvestEU programme is for the benefits of the European citizens

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The InvestEU programme provides the European Union with crucial long-term funding by leveraging private and public funds in support of Europe’s sustainable recovery. It helps to mobilize private investments for the EU’s top policy priorities, such as the green, and digital transition, innovation and social investments and skills.

It also supports the REPowerEU plan – the Commission’s response to the global energy market disruption caused by Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine.
The InvestEU programme brings together the multitude of earlier EU financial instruments, making access to finance and investments in European companies and projects simpler, more efficient and more flexible.

The InvestEU programme consists of three components: the InvestEU Fund, the InvestEU Advisory Hub and the InvestEU Portal.

The InvestEU Fund is implemented through financial partners that will invest in projects, benefitting from the protection of EU budget guarantee. The €26.2 billion EU budget guarantee backs the investments of financial partners (the “implementing partners”), increasing their risk-bearing capacity and thus allowing to mobilise at least €372 billion in additional investment.

What are its benefits

Supporting the EU’s top policy priorities

Economic recovery, green growth, employment and social well-being across Europe are EU’s top priorities. InvestEU programme supports investments that deliver real benefits and make a difference at the local level.

Simplified and streamlined investment support

Just one set of rules and procedures and one point of contact for advice. InvestEU makes access to EU finance simpler and more effective.

Crowding in of other investors

By using EU budget guarantee to crowd in other investors – private or public – the InvestEU Fund gives an added boost to investment in the EU.

Making EU funds go further

The EU budget guarantee can help public funds go further. InvestEU is expected to mobilise at least €372 billion in additional investment between 2021-27.

Improving the investment environment in Europe

InvestEU is a part of the European Commission’s economic policy measures supporting investment, structural reforms and fiscal responsibility, as well as the EU crisis response package, to ensure Europe remains an attractive place for businesses to settle and thrive.

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