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jeudi, novembre 21, 2024
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The European Union and the United States release joint guidance for online platforms on protecting Human Rights Defenders

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Human rights defenders – as per the United Nations (UN) Declaration – play a crucial role in the protection of human rights offline and online. HRDs may include, but are not limited to, members of nongovernmental organisations, trade unionists, journalists, lawyers, environmental and land activists, women’s rights advocates, anti-corruption advocates, and representatives of Indigenous peoples. Elevating the critical role of HRDs and supporting and protecting them in doing their work safely is not only a shared foreign policy priority for the European Union and the United States, but an imperative for advancing human rights for all.

The European Union and United States are pleased to announce the release of joint guidance for online platforms, which sets out 10 practical steps platforms can take globally to prevent, mitigate, and provide remedy for attacks targeting human rights defenders (HRDs) online. This guidance is part of our broader joint efforts through the EU-US Trade and Technology Council Working Group 6 to address the misuse of technology and promote the protection of HRDs online.

The EU and the USA developed this guidance in response to the rapid growth of online threats against HRDs around the world. HRDs are often targeted online because of their work to defend human rights. HRDs face significant threats online, including through malicious cyber activity, online censorship, targeted Internet shutdowns, arbitrary or unlawful online surveillance, harassment, smear campaigns, disinformation, and doxing. Online attacks often pave the way for physical human rights violations and abuses, including beatings, killings, enforced disappearances, and arbitrary detention. Women HRDs, LGBTI HRDs, and defenders from other marginalized groups who experience multiple and intersecting discriminations and oppressions are disproportionately impacted by such threats and attacks.

The European Union and the United States intend to take further actions to address the needs of HRDs around the world. We will engage with all relevant stakeholders to promote the recommended actions and facilitate their implementation.

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